​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​中 國 海 事 帆 船 記 念 館 協 會 有 限 公 司​​
China Maritime Sailing Memorabilia Association Limited




  ”美洲盃”是歷史上第二古老的運動賽事。這座獎項原是由[皇家遊艇中隊](Royal Yacht Squadron)在1851年[英國懷特島賽事]比賽結果所頒發的,並且是由美洲團隊所贏得。
  1. Managing Director
  2. Managing Director
  3. Managing Director
  4. Managing Director
  5. Managing Director
Longtze was the first Americas Cup Series Yacht to be built in China at the Long Ri facility in GuangDong.

The yacht competed in 2007 with a Chinese and international crew and achieved one series win, an excellent result for a novice team.

​The America's Cup is the second oldest international sporting trophy. The trophy was originally awarded in 1851 by the Royal Yacht Squadron for a race around the Isle of Wight in England, which was won by the schooner America.

​The history and prestige associated with the America's Cup attracts not only the world's top sailors and yacht designers but also the involvement of wealthy entrepreneurs and sponsors. It is a test not only of sailing skill and boat and sail design, but also of fundraising and management skills.
​​​​CMSMA aspires to acquire, restore, maintain and exhibit this very important piece of Chinese maritime history which is currently stored outside and deteriorating at a shipyard in Hong Kong.
To this end we have set up a not for profit/charity venture in Hong Kong to purchase the relic, raising the necessary funds from charitable donations. 
CMSMA is an  Association within a Limited Company, the "China Maritime Sailing Memorabilia Association Limited 中國海事帆船紀念協會有限公司". 

“中國海事帆船記念館協會有限公司” (CMSMA) 的目標是要購買取得此對中國海事來說一個非常重要的文物、將來需要修復它、並且在將它展示給大眾欣賞及學習。目前這艘充滿歷史的船隻就座


CMSMA是一個有限公司的組織,全名為”China Maritime Sailing Memorabilia Association Limited 中國海事帆船紀念協會有限公司”
It is important for all of us to appreciate where we come from and how that history has really shaped us in ways that we might not understand.
Sonia Sotomayor

主要贊助者 / Principal Sponsors

We are forever grateful for all the help given by kind donors in either cash contributions or voluntary work, our main sponsors are thanked below according to level of contribution:
Platinum Sponsors:

Gifts in vlaue over HK$100,000 

Gold Spnosrs:

Gifts in value over HK$50,000

Bronze Sponsors:

Gifts in value over HK$20,000
